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If we’re lucky, we all experience it, ageing, that is! Growing older is a daily process but what is the real definition of 'ageing' ?

Scientists tell us that the meaning of growing older involves the process by which a cell ages and permanently stops dividing, but does not die. These cells are called SENESCENT CELLS and over time build up in the body damaging tissues and organs. This is the process we call aging. The older we get, the more we accumulate these senescent cells. The association of age-related diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia and diabetes are all associated with this cellular process.

The good news is that, Geroscience, the science of how and why we age is being studied intently so that both LIFESPAN and HEALTHSPAN can be increased! We now know that longevity can be altered and that how long we live and the level of our health, especially during our later years can hopefully be improved through better lifestyle choices so that we can add more quality to our lives. Healthy food choices, exercise, good sleep hygiene, not smoking, positive social interactions, a sense of joy and stress management all contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Certain molecules called SENOLYTICS found in plant compounds like red grapes or curcumin target and selectively help the body get rid of senescent cells so that newer and healthier cells can regenerate.


The process by which the body clears out these poorly functioning cells is called AUTOPHAGY.

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